Uzbekistan Youth Leadership Conference (UZYLC)
UZYLC is a multi-day program that brings together approximately 50 youth semifinalists and alternates of various US government-funded programs including Global UGRAD, SUSI, TechGirls, and YPIP, among others.
UZYLC aims to enhance communication, leadership, and project management skills among Uzbekistan's youth. Participants engage in interactive training to address community needs, understand the value of leadership, and build readiness for community projects.
The conference also connects alumni of US government-funded programs as well as Fulbright English Teaching Assistants with program participants to foster cross-generational cooperation and strengthen networks in Uzbekistan. UZYLC seeks to imbue participants with an expanded network, improved leadership skills, and readiness to address community issues. UZYLC is funded by the U.S. Embassy in Tashkent and administered by the American Councils.
Program Contact
American Councils for International Education
Uzbekistan Youth Leadership Conference
12 Shota Rustaveli Street
Grand Business Center,
Office #302, Yakkasaroy District
100070 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
T: +998 78 150 71 50