Open World Program
Open World Program brings emerging leaders from Eurasia to the United States for ten days of exchange with their professional counterparts to build and strengthen mutually beneficial relationships between the countries and institutions. The Open World Program seeks candidates for participation from all levels of government (national, regional, and local), educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations. The most appropriate nominees are talented leaders (relevant to their nomination theme), who are relatively young but have already demonstrated leadership skills. Nominees, if possible, should be open to maintain communication with their U.S. hosts and counterparts after their return to Uzbekistan. Vetting committees will look favorably on nominees with ideas for joint projects or other follow-on activities.
Since 2021, American Councils has sent a number of delegations to the United States on the themes such as, the Members of Parliament, E-governance and Governmental Accountability in the Digital Age, Judicial Rule of Law, Agriculture in the Modern Market, Attracting FDIs, and Renewable Energy. As part of the delegation, representatives from the Oliy Majlis, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Digital Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, Uzbekistan Direct Investment Fund and the Ministry of Energy travelled to various US states.
Open World Program is funded by the US Congress and operated by the Congressional Office for International Leadership.
Program Contact
American Councils for International Education
Open World Program
12 Shota Rustaveli Street
Grand Business Center,
Office #303, Yakkasaroy District
100070 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
T: +998 78 150 71 50